As we lose our sense of security, let’s keep our sense of humor….LAUGH. It’s important to take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously but that shouldn’t mean facing each day in gloom and doom.

Everyone should find their new normal. My new normal includes watching the sunrise, perusing the internet and, most importantly, laughing. Can anyone be depressed or anxious, while laughing?

Finding that laugh when you’re not in the mood.

You may not watch TV that much, but while in isolation, turn on Impractical Jokers and laugh yourself silly.

Impractical Jokers, a reality TV show, is guaranteed to have you laughing till you cry. It’s about four people, each competing in hidden-camera challenges. The time will pass quickly and you’ll be amazed how good you’ll feel after watching a few episodes.

Check out your local TV guide for time and channel. Binge watch on True TV or the internet.

AND THE CONSTANT REMINDER: Help STOP Coronavirus by following a few simple steps:


-Wash hands often.
-Cough into your elbow, not your hand.
-Don’t touch your face if possible.
-Distance yourself 6-feet from others.
-Stay Home!

Common Symptoms:

Headache, fever, cough, shortness of breath

If you have any of the following symptoms, Go to the ER

-Difficulty breathing,
-Persistent pain or pressure in your chest
-New confusion or not able to wake up
-Bluish lips or face

Giggle, Smile, Laugh! and know you are not alone. We are all in this together.