by Michelle Delaney, the South Lake Tablet

There are lots of COVID-19 numbers and statistics out there but no one knows for sure what those numbers actually mean.

We don’t know how many people have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus and are unknowingly spreading it. We don’t know how many people have died without being tested for the virus.  The only thing we know is the COVID-19 virus is real …it’s not fake news.

As of Thursday, April 16, there was a total of 640,014 COVID-19 cases in the United States and 31,002 deaths. The total of Global cases was 2,088,425 /139,419 deaths. In Florida, there is a total of 22,897 cases / 633 death and also concerning, not everyone who contracts COVID-19 will wind up hospitalized, some will show no symptoms, others may show minor to severe symptoms but both can spread the virus.

Those figures may not seem statistically significant but, keep in mind, the COVID-19 virus has only been acknowledged as a legitimate threat to the States for the last few months.

As the number of people tested for the COVID-19 virus increases so will the total number of those affected by the virus. There is one thing you can take from the numbers and that is how easily and rapidly the virus can spread.

Regardless of numbers and statistics, all of us will agree that we are dealing with a lot of pain.  Add to that the number of lost jobs, lost businesses, lost dreams and uncertainty, that’s a lot of sorrow and hopelessness.

Good News: Based on the day-to-day numbers worldwide, it has been established that there are ways to flatten the curve.  By following the suggested guidelines (stay home, wear a mask when near others, wash your hands, use sanitizer, make smart choices) we will lower the rate of spread. All of these may be of minor inconvenience but can save lives.

Bad News:  Until we have a vaccine, we cannot take an “unmasked deep breath”.

A Positive Step Forward – STOP Divisiveness: Over the years, the United States has become increasingly divided: the Red States vs. the Blues; the Senate vs. the House; the Liberals vs. Conservatives; Big Business vs. Small Business Owners; the Have vs. Have Nots; The Right-Wing vs. the Left.

United We Stand: This is NOT a political issue, it’s a pandemic. Lower your resistance and be aware that all of us are in this together. Let’s throw politics to the side: Let’s lead with common sense and compassion. Let’s unite and fight this challenge together.

Everyone wants schools, churches, businesses open again. However, if we truly want to take care of our future, we need to take care of the present. We can’t fight for our constitutional rights if we are dead.

Get tested if you have an opportunity to do so. The more people tested the better the data and will enable the researchers to develop the tools to treat victims and stop the virus.



If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and want to get tested, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests calling your state or local health department or a medical provider. The Florida Department of Health’s Lake County Citizen Information Hotline is at 352-742-4830, open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (seven days a week); the state hotline is at 1-866-779-6121, or you can email your questions to Click here for more information from the CDC on testing.