William McCarthy, Squadron 534 Ray Scholarship winner, helps other members learn how to use one of the chapter’s flight simulators.

By Article and Photos by Ted Luebbers

The board of directors of the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 534 is proud to announce the 2020 winner of a $ 10,000 Ray Scholarship from their Aviation Youth Program, called Squadron 534.

2020 Ray Scholarship winner from EAA Chapter 534 gets involved building wing ribs for a Pietenpol Aircamper.

The winner is William McCarthy of Tavares, Florida.

William has been a member of the chapter’s youth program for about five years and has been very busy learning all he can about building and repairing aircraft in the chapter’s hangar located at the Leesburg International Airport in Leesburg, FL.

He has also helped to teach other members of the chapter’s youth program how to use the two flight simulators EAA Chapter 534 has in their hangar. William just happens to have a similar simulator at home and it is said that he has accumulated something like 700 simulator hours flying different aircraft.

He got his start with EAA Chapter 534 some years ago when he took part in the EAA Young Eagles first flight program. Since that time, he has taken part in the building and repair of vintage wood and fabric aircraft as well as construction techniques of the more modern aluminum planes.

William has always wanted to fly and he wants to learn as much as he can to realize that dream. Eventually, he would like to become a commercial pilot.

Through the auspices of the national EAA organization, local chapters are asked to

EAA Chapter 534’s Ray Scholarship winner, William McCarthy, learns how to rib stitch from chapter mentor Mike Smolen.

recommend annually a member of their youth program for a Ray Scholarship. This scholarship will generally provide enough money for a young person to complete flight training for a private pilot’s license at any flight school.

This is the second year in a row that EAA chapter 534 has had one of their youth members be lucky enough to receive this award. Last year the recipient was Mateo Colmenero who has received his Private Pilot’s License.

EAA Chapter 534 has had an active youth aviation program for several years where kids ages 10 to 18 can learn the intricacies of aircraft construction and repair, as well as take advantage of the Young Eagles’ first flight program. There is no charge to them for this training and they are taught by the chapter’s volunteer members who have experience in building and maintaining aircraft of many types.

If you would like to find out more about Squadron 534, the chapter’s aviation youth program, contact the director John Weber, Chapter 534 Vice President, at <ransfly@aol.com >

EAA Chapter 534 2020 Ray Scholarship winner, William McCarthy,
( right) learns how to build Pietenpol wing ribs from chapter mentor, Greg Nilsen.

Squadron 534 youth group meets most Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm in the chapter’s hangar at the airport and lunch is provided free. Currently, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, chapter activities have been suspended but will resume as soon as the emergency is over.

To learn more about EAA Chapter 534 and their national organization you may go to the following web sites.

www.534.eaachapter.org > or  < www.eaa.org >