Learning in Lake County Schools will continue this summer with 3rd-grade reading camps being offered through a new online learning platform. Eligible students will be provided individual and small-group instruction via live teacher-led lessons. Students can talk to their teacher and ask questions in real-time, allowing teachers to monitor progress and provide immediate feedback. Summer credit recovery options for middle and high school students also will be offered online, as they have been in previous years.

Small-group interventions are planned for students in need of extra assistance at Beverly Shores and Leesburg elementary schools, the Lake schools that are receiving state support for improvement, and the district will consider extending small-group remedial assistance to students at other schools as well.

“Our students have worked hard through distance learning these past several weeks, but they did so under unusually challenging circumstances that may have affected their learning,” said Superintendent Diane Kornegay. “We want to provide opportunities for students to remediate and retain what they’ve learned, build on that, and then keep the momentum going so they are not so far behind when we start the new school year.”

When school buildings closed in March in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus, Lake students continued learning through virtual classes using district-issued Chromebooks or personally owned devices. Students will be able to keep the Chromebooks throughout the summer so they can access optional, fun learning activities during the summer break.

Seniors, fifth-grade and eighth-grade students will be asked to return Chromebooks to the schools they currently attend. Fifth-grade and eighth-grade students will be assigned replacement Chromebooks for summer at the middle or high school they are scheduled to attend next school year. Schools will send collection and distribution details.

In his press conference Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis said he soon will announce his recommendations regarding summer camps in Florida. Lake County Schools will await his guidance before making any decisions regarding the Extended Learning Center (ELC) Summer Camp.

The district is also waiting for guidance from the state regarding summer VPK.