Lake Minneola High School Class of 2020

Congratulations to this year’s 2020 graduates.

You’ve graduated during a pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests. During your school years, many of you have feared gun shootings at your school, witnessed racial and social discrimination and injustice, homelessness, drugs and alcohol abuse, terrorism, bullying, environmental issues. Your generation has gone through a lot.

Though there may have been times that you felt life was overwhelming, you were never alone and graduated in spite of all the challenges.

You are America’s future. Your destiny is to make our world a better place and you can do it. You won’t be able to solve all the world’s problems but you can make a difference by choosing just one issue and working for change.

The South Lake Tablet congratulates

Grayson Caughill

Grayson Caughell, my niece, is a 2020 graduate of Lake Minneola High School.  She worked for the South Lake Tablet last summer and will be attending Orlando Tech to study Digital Media. Grayson is the daughter of Anthony Caughell and Christy Rogers Bray, both graduates of Clermont High School.



Hanna Swidler


Hanna Swidler is a 2020 graduate of Montverde Academy.  She has been a joy to watch grow from an adorable small child to a beautiful young adult.  Hanna will be attending Stetson University and pursuing a Business degree. Hanna is the daughter of Jill Blankenship  Swidler and Michael Swidler.

Wishing Grayson, Hanna and all our 2020 graduates success and best wishes.

Wishing you much happiness and the opportunity to follow your dreams and make a difference.