Clermont Brewing Company (CBC)  has closed temporarily. The closure of the popular, local brewery was announced after two of its employees tested positive for the  COVID-19 virus. Owner and operator Darren Johnson, a long-time resident of Clermont, said the restaurant will undergo a deep clean and all employees will be tested.
It shows courage and determination for a small business owner to place the health and safety of employees and guests above the well-being of the business. It’s difficult for a business owner to acknowledge that the business needs to be closed to control the spread of COVID-19.  It is even more difficult for an owner to close down after just reopening.

Message from the owner of CBC
Dear CBC Guests,
“We are sorry to announce that we will be closed for a short time. Unfortunately, even with the proper precautions of wearing masks, hand washing, temperature checks, and sanitation, we have discovered that two members of our staff have tested positive for COVID-19.
In an abundance of caution, we will be closing our doors to the public, undergoing deep sterilization, and requiring all employees to be tested. We appreciate your patience and support during this time and we hope to reopen our doors (safely) for you soon!
In the interest of safety for all, getting tested would be prudent. All employee’s temperatures are checked daily, masks worn and strict sterilization practiced at all times. The two staff were sent home Saturday morning before their shift, tested and quarantined. The staff worked the week leading up to Saturday, test results were received today”.

Thank you Clermont Brewing Company for placing the safety and health of your guests and employees first.
When you enter a restaurant, be aware of your surroundings. There are restaurants in the south Lake community that are not taking the spread of COVID seriously or the precautions needed to slow the spread. Leave, if you are uncomfortable.
The number of COVID cases is rapidly increasing. Currently, there are more people being tested, but until recently, the people who needed to be tested (the young and asymptomatic) weren’t tested.
This is not a virus that kills just the old and nursing home residents. The number of positive cases in prisons is rapidly increasing proving that the virus spreads easily in confined spaces (a reason for social-distancing and facemasks).
This is not the first global pandemic outbreak. The world has suffered through many global pandemics  (tuberculosis, Polio, bubonic plague, to name only a few). The newest pandemic, COVID-19 was not started or spread for political gain, but by the easy transmittal of this new strain of virus between humans.  Thus, the reason for social distancing, facemasks, and disinfecting hands and surfaces is required to help STOP the threat and reduce the rate of exposure.
Learn more by going to CBC