Lake County Supervisor of Elections, Alan Hays, is again alerting citizens of Lake County about misleading materials they may be receiving in the mail. The mail-outs are a request to receive a vote-by-mail ballot. 

These mailers originate from the Center for Voter Information (CVI), a third-party organization not associated with the Lake County Supervisor of Elections. The address lists for previous mailings from the CVI organization have proven to have been outdated and infected with incorrect data. They tell us the first wave of mailings will be sent July 18 and the last wave in early September. 

Our office, two weeks ago, sent an official mailer to all voters who had not previously requested a vote-by-mail ballot. That mailer, among other topics, included a vote-by-mail request form for voters to complete if they chose that voting option. 

“We feel that the 52,000 mailers scheduled to be released by CVI will create many calls and concerns when voters just received an official mailer from our office. Lake County voters who wish to request a vote-by-mail ballot for the upcoming elections are encouraged do so by using the Voter Information Lookup Tool on our website:, or by calling our office at 352.343.9734, and to not rely on the information sent by this third party organization,” commented Hays. 

Vote-by-mail request forms are also available at area libraries and at the elections office. The deadline to request a mail ballot for the Primary Election is August 8th @ 5 pm. “We would like to encourage all citizens of Lake County to utilize our office as the trusted source of information whether it is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot or registering to vote. We are proud to serve and happy to assist you with your voter services needs,” Hays further elaborated. 

Voters who wish to vote in the upcoming August 18th Primary Election must be registered to vote by Monday, July 20th. This is also the deadline for voters to update their party affiliation if they wish to vote in a party’s primary.