Corelli's is a family-owned and operated business.

Written by Kevin Grogan, DASH-SPORTS

One of the true hidden gems in Downtown Clermont is Corelli’s Pantry & Italian Restaurant.  This amazing shop nestled in the middle of Montrose Street is run by David Affrunti.  David and his wife Angelina bring so much to the downtown area with not only their amazing Italian dishes and food but also do a fantastic job of bringing our community together.  Affrunti takes great pride in being part of just about everything downtown Clermont has to offer.  I got to chat with Affrunti over their famous $6 lunch special (two mammoth slices of pizza & their famous fruit punch) one Saturday afternoon.

South Lake Tablet:  Tell us a little bit about your family & background growing up?

Affrunti: I was born in Miami and left when I was about six.  From there we moved to Georgia where my Father opened up three Italian restaurants that we all helped run.  The family was there for over ten years working in the restaurant industry pretty hard.  We came back to Florida when I was about 18 or 19.  From there I went to George T. Baker Aviation Center in Miami where I trained to be an airline mechanic for a few years.  Soon after, I decided to come back to the restaurant business.  I realized my true passion was for cooking & people as I certainly missed that working on planes all day.

South Lake Tablet:  Where did the vision of the Pantry come from?

Affrunti:  My father and  I thought it up.  I wanted to slow down my life a bit and get back to what I enjoy.  Owning Corelli’s is certainly a change of pace for me;  a different lifestyle.  I really needed that.

South Lake Tablet:  What makes the downtown location different then your typical Italian restaurant?

Affrunti:  It is a one-stop-shop.  You won’t find another store or restaurant like it in the area.  I like to call it “fast-casual”.  You can come in for an amazing Italian dish and get whatever you need as far as grocery shopping too.  You can eat then shop or shop then eat; grab a beer, wine, or fountain drink.  We like to think we have it all inside our very well-stocked pantry.  It definitely is a one-stop-shop for sure.

South Lake Tablet:  What are some positive things you like about being in downtown Clermont?

Affrunti:  The people have been amazing; I have gained so many friends throughout the years both customers and neighboring business owners.  The environment is exciting; as there is always something going on here.  But it is also nice, quiet, and enjoyable too.  We are certainly growing little by little here on Montrose, but it is good growth in our Downtown.  It is a fun time to be down here and be part of the growth

South Lake Tablet: When you’re not making the best Italian food in all of Clermont, how do you enjoy spending your time?

Affrunti:  The family and I go to a lot of theme parks.  We also enjoy day trips to the beach; sometimes well stay over at one of the hotels on the coast.  My two kids are at a very fun age & there is so much to do in our area.

South Lake Tablet:  Talk about some of the other events that you & Corellis have going on.

Affrunti:  We really enjoy putting on our wine strolls; as it is a very affordable date night for couples in the area.  Also, we put on public and private wine tastings in the store after hours. We also put on some Professional Wrestling matches right here at Corellis Pantry and hope to put on another one real soon.

South Lake Tablet:  What is your vision for yourself and your family say 10 years down the road?

Affrunti:  I have thought about doing maybe something else down the road but I really enjoy what I do and the people that I have gotten to know.  There are so many good people here that I see on a daily basis, I think I would really miss it.

South Lake Tablet:  How would you describe Downtown Clermont and Corelli’s Pantry to someone who has never been to the Downtown Clermont and Corelli’s Pantry?

Affrunti:  They are missing some great food and good entertainment.  It is so common when a customer comes in for the first time to  say, “I am so glad I found downtown; we never knew you were here!”  Once someone finds us, I am proud to say they almost always come back.

South Lake Tablet:  Anything else you want to tell your south Lake neighbors?

Affrunti:  I would like to say I love being here in Downtown Clermont and I encourage everyone to come down.  Check us out as the downtown area grows!  The other shops work really hard to promote each other and it is really beginning to show.

Corelli’s Pantry & Italian Restaurant is located at 732 West Montrose Street Clermont.

Pictured: Corelli’s Pantry, located at 732 W. Montrose Street, Clermont.