Ebo Entsuah
With the recent resignation of Clermont City Council Member Heidi Brishke, the city will be holding a special election to fill her seat.
After 2 straight years of running and coming very close to winning, Ebo Entsuah has decided that the third time is a charm and has decided to officially announce his candidacy for the City of Clermont’s Special Election for City Council, Seat 4.
SPECIAL ELECTION: Brishke’s resignation leaves a vacancy on Seat 4. A special election for Clermont Seat 4 will be included on the November 3rd ballot. To qualify, Clermont residents who are interested in running need to file between Monday, August 17 noon and August 21 noon. If there are more than 2 candidates running for Clermont Seat 4, on November 3rd,  the candidate who receives more than 50% of the vote will be elected. If none of the candidates receive a majority vote, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will participate in a run-off. In the meantime, Clermont Council will consider if a temporary appointee is needed until the election.
You can contact Ebo through his website WWW.Vote4ebo.com or send him an email (Voteebo@gmail.com). Contribution link and website will be up and running in the next couple of days.