The City of Clermont election qualifying period closed at noon on Friday, August 21 for Clermont City Council Seat 4.
The following people officially qualified to run: Pamela Amerson, Jeff Biddle, Ebo Entsuah and Sheilah “Samii Taylor” Yakovetic.
Residents may vote for Seat 4 on the November 3 election ballot, in addition to Seats 1, 3 (mayor), and 5.
Seat 4 is a special election to fill the seat for Heidi Brishke, who tendered her resignation effective Aug. 20 for personal reasons. Brishke was nine months into her two-year term; the winner will serve for one year.
Because more than two candidates qualified for Seat 4, a primary election will be held on November 3. If one of the Seat 4 candidates receives a majority (over 50%) of the votes, that person will be declared elected. However, if no one receives a majority of the votes for Seat 4, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will be placed on a special general election ballot January 5, 2021.
Clermont City Council seat terms are for two years and are staggered, with Seats 1, 3 and 5 up for election in even years and Seats 2 and 4 in odd years.
All seats are members at large. The current City Council is: Seat 1, Timothy Bates; Seat 2, Jim Purvis; Seat 3 (Mayor), Gail L. Ash; and Seat 5, Diane Travis.