Be part of the community effort . Faith Neighborhood Center needs your help. Join organizations such as Beta Theta-ESA, in supporting FNC

Second Harvest Food Bank in partnership with Faith Neighborhood Center (FNC) will continue to feed the children of south Lake.

Faith Neighborhood Center

Faith Neighborhood Center has 600 sets of boxes to be given to local children. You do not have to be a client to receive food for your children.

The FNC could use your help.

  • Consider a contribution to FNC. There are many ways to help.   You could donate some money. FNC can purchase food much cheaper than you can at the grocery — up to 10 times cheaper.  Your contribution goes a long way.
  • You can donate food.  Many local churches support our pantry — either donate to one of them or bring your food to the Center.
  • If you’d like to volunteer to work at the Center, FNC always can put you to work.
  • An organization can become a partner and a business or individual can sponsor a fundraiser such as a golf tournament or a “Dine Out” where local restaurants donate a portion of your bill to the Center.

There are many ways to help and they are all invaluable in supporting the mission to help those in need in the South Lake community.

Faith Neighborhood Center was founded in 1972 and has been in continuous operation since opening. It’s located at 7432 State Road 50 #14, Groveland.  To learn more, Visit