Keep Lake Beautiful has created a new self-directed clean-up program intended for individual volunteers and small volunteer groups of six people or less. Volunteers are encouraged to work within their local neighborhoods or other public areas such as parks, waterfronts, or boat ramps. Keep Lake Beautiful will provide a kit that includes the necessary clean up supplies for every volunteer. As a thank you, registered volunteers will receive a Keep Lake Beautiful hat, reusable water bottle, and reusable shopping bag upon completion of their clean up and return of loaned equipment. Volunteers wishing to sign-up can complete the online registration form found on the Keep Lake Beautiful webpage at

For more information about the program or to sign up please visit For questions about the program, please email Keep Lake Beautiful at

Keep Lake Beautiful (KLB) seeks to lead the way to a cleaner and more beautiful Lake County by engaging citizens and encouraging community participation. KLB is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s leading nonprofit agency that focuses on building and maintaining vibrant communities.