by Marty Proctor

The City of Groveland published their proposed annual operating budget for fiscal year 2021 this week.  The $94.7 million budget includes $67.3 million expenses and $62.7 million in revenues both excluding reserves and transfers.  The budget is balanced in accordance with state law.  The proposed budget has been assembled by the City Staff led by Finance Director John Ter Louw and City Manager Mike Hein.  The public and city department heads have had multiple input points throughout the budget process starting in March

On September 8 at 6:30 PM, the first (tentative) millage and budget public hearing will be held virtually.   The second (final) millage and budget public hearings will be held on September 21 at 6:30 PM.

The public is welcome to attend the upcoming virtual public budget hearings.  Persons wishing to participate real-time can attend the virtual meeting at the Puryear building.  Public comment, audio and video sharing will be made available by the City.  Public comment will also be accepted by email to the City Clerk Virginia Wright ( before 3 PM on September 8 and 21.

“We certainly favor having the citizens read and understand the budget” stated Finance Director John Ter Louw.  The budget process was completely revamped starting in FY 2019.  A new format was created to enhance the transparency and specificity of the city budget.  “The finance department will be applying for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association this year” Mr. Ter Louw added.  The award program was established in 1984 to recognize individual governments that prepare the very highest quality budget documents.  Other local cities winning this award include Leesburg, Eustis, Minneola, and Orlando.  “We are proud of the proposed budget as presented and look forward to the upcoming City Council meetings.” Mr. Ter Louw continued, “the proposed millage rate is 5.2000 per thousand dollars assessed value; which represents no increase in mills from the previous year.”

The budget is available at this link:

All the recent budgets and audits are available at this link: