Betty Radagona, pictured with husband Tony far left, Zone 4 Chair, Lion Mary Pezzo giving her the award and King Lion Clif Brown, far left. 

It is not often that the Clermont-Minneola Lions Club has a member that receives the MELVIN JONES AWARD, the highest honor named after the founder of the Lions Clubs International (LCI) in Chicago, 1917.  Therefore, on Thursday, September 10, it was an honor to present the award to a deserving Betty Radagona.  Betty is pretty special in the Club as she is totally blind and records Board meetings in Braille. She served as the receptionist for South Lake Memorial Hospital for many years when it was located in the large north parking lot of the First United Methodist Church.  She endeared herself to all that came to know her in the contagious, warm greeting she gave when she remembered callers’ names over the phone.  She nearly always remembered what room patients were in. The Club had Betty’s sister, Deanna Allwine and niece, Debby Lynn as guests to share in the congratulations.

The Clermont-Minneola Lions Club finds a way to keep going in spite of the pandemic.  The Club was grateful for IHOP  in Clermont for accommodating their dinner meeting and rendering fine service Thursday, Sept. 10.  The Club normally meets at the social hall of St. Matthias Episcopal Church downtown Clermont on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm. and is hopeful to once again be able to meet there for pot luck dinners once the social hall is back open.   

The Club’s main source of fundraising is the shooting range in Groveland, across from Tractor Supply and the new Groveland Public Safety Complex on SR 50 nearing completion. The range is open to the public from 8 – noon on the second, third and fourth Saturdays.  Pistols not exceeding 45 cal. and 22 rifle operate on the east side with patrons bringing their own guns and ammo.  The Club has targets, however, some patrons bring their own.  On the west side of the range, the Club operates skeet shooting.  Patrons bring their own shotgun and ammo, the Club provides clays. The Pistol range fee is $15.00.  Skeet fee is $10 per 15 clays.  The range manager has been shifted to Lion Mia Rodriguez and she and her husband, Lion Joshua will be the public contact for information (407) 289-6807 or 
Mia and Josh offer professional certification training starting at 1:00 pm on the same Saturdays.  The Club’s former range manager, Dan Strauss has moved back to his hometown in PA.  Look for the RV with donuts and coffee.  Patrons are encouraged to come out with friends and family. Age limit is 16.  The Club is available to host birthday parties, bachelor parties and private competitions. 
On Friday, Sept. 25th the Club will be assisting Travers Ske and Shoot competition on their International Skiing facility located at 20225 CR 33 from 10 – 4 pm.  Competitors come from all over the world to enjoy the event. Public Spectators have free admission. 
For information, call Mimi at 352 429-9027.  This is the third one the Lions have assisted and are most thankful to the Travers for the contribution the Clubs gets for their various charities.