Pictured L-R: Regina Cruz, Kathy Smith, and Denise Wallace

Article by Donna Digennaro

The Clermont Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA) hosted a Fall Social for members and guests on Wednesday, September 16th at The Ridge Restaurant in the Summit Green Club House.  Those attending were treated to a delicious buffet and beverages while catching up with old and new friends.  Clermont Community Foundation director, Kathy Smith and WGA president, Gayle Tomasini brought everyone up to date on past accomplishments and future plans for the women’s charity.

Pictures L-R: Nancy Wilkins and Lorrie Reid

The Women’s Giving Alliance was founded seven years by a group of women who were interested in pooling their resources in order to have a greater impact on issues affecting women and children in South Lake County.  In the past six years, the Alliance has donated over $150,000 to projects like Women Opting for Wellness, Power Parenting & Equipping Youth.

This year the WGA has solicited grant requests from organizations dealing with issues identified by the Florida Commission on the Status of Women through a series of seminars held throughout the state.  The WGA was honored to be able to host two of these seminars.  The issues identified are:  Affordable Housing, Caregiving, Economic Security, Healthcare, and Women’s Leadership.  The grant money being awarded this year will be almost $28,000.

If you think you or someone you know would be interested in finding out more about the WGA, please contact Kathy Smith at 407-453-3031.