Michele Barnard Pines and Bill Garbarino

Article and Photos by Larry Oskin

Michele Barnard Pines and Bill Garbarino Compete for Clermont City Council — Seat 5

Michele Barnard Pines moved to Clermont in 1970 with her family. She graduated from Clermont High School. She is a mother of two daughters, a son-in-law and two grandchildren. She says that she is truly blessed to still have her parents with her. Pines notes, “Clermont is a big part of who I am, how I was raised and the values instilled in me. I have remained in Central Florida my entire life and moved back to my hometown of Clermont three years ago. I remain committed to Clermont. My commitment is reflected in my actions and engagement over the past three years by attending Clermont City Council meetings, committee meetings, Planning & Zoning meetings and workshops.”

As an active Clermont citizen, she attended all of the Charter Review Committee meetings.  Although Pines was not on the committee, she attended the meetings to help provide citizen input as this committee reviewed the Charter items they determined needed to be addressed most. She felt citizen input was vitally important as these items would be voted on by our City Council and then placed on ballot for citizens to vote.  The two important items that went to ballot were for Term Limits and Residency Requirements for qualifying candidates, both of which were voted on and passed by the citizens.

Her initial involvement with Clermont City issues was brought on by the boat ramp relocation efforts.  Although not important to all citizens, she believed that it was important for all of us on many levels. During this time, she researched our wetlands and headwaters. She consulted with an environmental engineer regarding the impact different locations would have on our chain of lakes, reviewed Florida statutes regarding responsibility of maintaining accessibility to the citizens of not just Clermont, but for all citizens of Florida and cited boating revenues in the State of Florida.  She met with Clermont City staff, the Mayor and brought these items before City Council meetings.  She was not alone in these efforts and was proud to work with a team of people who had the same passion to ensure we were not only afforded a continuous usage of lake recreation but to the highest standards our beautiful natural resource deserved.  This was a community and City coming together, producing great results.

Michele said she understands and values the history of Clermont as well as the obstacles for moving forward with regards to development and infrastructure. She believes this history is an integral part of understanding the future of Clermont. She adds, “I believe a healthy relationship with Lake County will aid in finding solutions to our traffic and growth. I believe in our first responders and am in full support of their ongoing efforts to make Clermont the safest city possible. I am proud and honored to have received endorsements from the Clermont Police Officer’s Union and the Clermont Professional Firefighters Local 4350. I am truly committed to the City of Clermont”.

Running for Clermont City Council Seat 5 is a natural progression in the continuing care and concern I have for our beautiful City and its people!”  MicheleBPinesSeat5@gmail.com


William R. ‘Bill’ Garbarino grew up as one of seven brothers in Great River on Long Island, New York. After high school, Bill started a landscaping company to put himself through college where he earned an Associate’s Degree in Graphic Arts & Advertising. Bill worked over the next 35 years as a small business entrepreneur, while owning small businesses including a Printing & Tent Rental Business. He had a successful career in printing sales. Bill was also a Restaurant owner in the town he grew up in before selling and moving permanently to Clermont.

As a small business owner, Bill maintained a membership with the Long Island Chamber of Commerce and he served as a Director for the Long Island Chamber Board. He bought a home in Davenport in 2003, where he served as the HOA Board President for 7 years. He then bought his home in the Legends Community in 2007, where he has lived for the past 13 years and where he serves as the Board President of the Legends HOA. Bill was instrumental in the recent purchase and revitalization process of the Legends Golf Course and restaurant. He was instrumental in revitalizing the community family playground, for obtaining fiber internet to each home and for significant updating of the community landscaping.

With a professional background in real estate, property management, restaurants and small business management experience; Garbarino is hoping to bring his progressive style, teamwork and expertise to help both his own Legends community and for the City of Clermont. Since moving here from New York, he has been a big supportive fan for the City of Clermont. His goal remains to help his own community while also helping to improve the quality of life for everyone in the rapidly expanding Clermont and South Lake area. Bill has a passion for all small business owners and he remains an avid believer in supporting locally owned and operated businesses. He shares, “It is my desire to be an advocate for small business, as well as for the underserved citizens of Clermont both residentially and commercially”. He always says, “Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way!” Wrgarb@aol.com