by Marty Proctor

Mascotte City Council elects four council members and a mayor at-large.  The entire City votes for each candidate.

Early voting starts October 19 and ends October 31. Election day is Tuesday, November 3.

The South Lake Tablet asked each candidate three questions:

  • Please tell the South Lake County readers about yourself.
  • What do you see as the biggest problem facing Mascotte?
  • What solutions do you suggest?

Pamela T. Terry, candidate for Mascotte City Council Seat 2

Pam Terry

1) I’m a native Floridian. I retired from law enforcement when my daughter was born. I ran a victim service organization as their Executive Director after that. I then went into the veterinary field.  I am now retired and look forward to serving the city in which I live.

2/3) The biggest issue I see for our city is the lack of community involvement, and this is not due to the citizens. But that is changing! We need to listen to the citizens and get them more involved in the decisions made about their city.

Second to that is the lack of things for our children to do within the community. I hope that this will change with both city and citizen participation. Grants can be written for programs and volunteers from the community can be utilized.

And third, we need to refocus our police officers back to community policing. Get them back into our communities and getting to know the citizens.

FaceBook page:  Pamela T. Terry for Mascotte City Council, Seat 2


Louise Thompson, candidate for Mascotte City Council Seat 2, incumbent

Incumbent Louise Thompson has been on Mascotte City Council since November of 2011. She and her husband and daughter have lived in Mascotte for 13 years.

Louise Thompson is a volunteer with the Friends of Mascotte; a non-profit organization helping the city of Mascotte. She became involved with the city to make a difference both for the citizens and it’s community.

(Councilwoman Louise Thompson was unable to be reached for additional information)