Comments by the South Lake Tablet Editor

The Coronavirus has set the world topsy turvy and there are still many unknowns associated with the virus. We saw, as soon as the virus hit the States, the elderly and those suffering from health issues were at the mercy of the virus, and eventually, COVID was seen impacting the poor and needy who didn’t have adequate health care. COVID is now hitting the average American, as well as the wealthy.

Though the survival rate is high among Americans, there is uncertainty about how many will face long-term complications from the virus.  Since mid-March, over 21 million COVID cases have been reported across the Nation and 362,828 have died from complications.  Globally 87 million have been infected and 1.9 million have died.

The Coronavirus has mutated and not proven more lethal is a more easily transmitted disease. The first case identified in the U.S was a 21-year-old male living in Colorado. Unless the needed vaccine is distrubuted quickly, the virus will keep mutating out of control.

In the U.S., it’s estimated that 1 person dies every 10 minutes from the virus. Spanning the nation, approximately 15% of the people who get the virus need hospitalization and half of those will die from complications.

The virus has affected businesses, caused massive unemployment, loss of a paycheck, increased homelessness, hunger, and hopelessness.

Hundreds on line in the hopes of receiving the vaccine at Clermont Arts and Recreation Center.

Vaccine distribution is way behind schedule and people are waiting on long lines hoping to get the vaccine.

Something is broken in the system and the coronavirus only drew attention to it.  There is a national lack of leadership, planning, support and resources to help protect and provide for the people of the United States. For many years, the federal government has left every state to mostly fend for itself. It has become apparent that states need to be united to a common cause. Politicians have worked for their good, rather than the good of the country. It’s about the  U.S. and the rights of ALL people. Those rights are to protect US, not separate or hurt US.

January 7 – In Florida 

6-Day Update On The COVID Virus

Hospitals in Los Angeles County, CA have been overwhelmed with COVID patients. Florida Hospitals need to be able to handle the number of people needing treatment for COVID.  Floridians must unite to control the spread of the coronavirus by wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding large crowds, washing hands often, and traveling only when necessary.

The total COVID cases in the state of Florida rose to over 1.4 million since mid-March and an increase of 86,591 in the past 6 days. The number of hospitalized total 64,321 an increase of 1,453 cases this past 6 days.  A total of 22,317 deaths have resulted from COVID, an increase of 327 lost to COVID in the past 6 days.

In Lake County – A total of 16,897 residents tested positive since March, an increase of 1,338 in the past 6 days.  The total hospitalized in Lake, 1,014 an increase of 19, and a total of 331 deaths recorded, 36 in the past 6 days.

In South Lake –  COVID Cases In South Lake 7,340, an increase of 1,111 in the past 6 days. South Lake Total Cases by Zip Code To Date:

Clermont.    34711    3,605
Clermont.    34714    1,012
Groveland.   34736    1,176
Mascotte      34753       375
Minneola.     34715       938
Montverde.   34756       233

Do your part to protect others. Wear a face mask, wash hands ofter, social distance, and avoid large crowds.

Everyone is sick of COVID, so FOCUS, don’t get distracted. “Unite to fight and end this deadly pandemic and Heal Together.”