For seventeen years, the Lake County Water Authority has made grant funds available to municipalities to improve water quality through its Cooperative Stormwater Initiative.  The grant program targets municipality/community projects within Lake County that are aimed at enhancing water quality within our waterbodies.  “We continue to gain significant ground reducing Lake County’s stormwater problem” says Amy Stone, Chairman of the LCWA Board of Trustees. “This year, we have over $750,000 available for new projects.”

Although we are making significant improvements, Lake County’s stormwater problem will take many more years to correct and will require continued cooperative efforts of multiple agencies.  Each City’s help in identifying and funding projects that eliminate direct stormwater outfalls is of the utmost importance.  This funding can also assist our local governments in staying ahead of any mandatory stormwater discharge regulations that may come about as a result of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) criteria established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Application deadline is December 11, 2020 at 4pm.  The cooperative funding application can be found at

For more information on the Cooperative Stormwater Initiative or any Lake County Water Authority programs or preserves, visit or call 352-324-6141