William Roberts of Windy Hill Middle School is Lake County’s Principal of the Year.

Congratulations to Principal William Roberts of Windy Hill Middle School and AP Kevin Schichtel of Clermont Elementary School

A caravan of district leaders, led by Superintendent Diane Kornegay, dropped in Thursday afternoon to surprise two school administrators with the news that they had been selected for top district honors.

William Roberts, principal of Windy Hill Middle School, has been named Lake County’s Principal of the Year for 2021-22, and Kevin Schichtel, assistant principal at Clermont Elementary School, has been named Lake County’s Assistant Principal of the Year for 2021-22.

Roberts now qualifies to be considered for the statewide Principal Achievement Award for Outstanding Leadership. The program honors leaders who have spearheaded initiatives to increase student performance and promote safe learning environments, often through partnerships with parents and community members.

Clermont Elementary Principal Jeffrey Williams, left, celebrates with AP Kevin Schichtel, who has been named Lake County’s Assistant Principal of the Year.

Likewise, Schichtel is now in the running for the statewide Outstanding Assistant Principal Achievement Award, which recognizes exemplary assistant principals for their contributions to their schools and communities and honors those who have used teamwork and leadership skills effectively.

Roberts began his career with Lake County Schools on Aug. 1, 2005. He joined the district with 9 years previous teaching experience. He taught math at Cecil E. Gray Middle School for five years before being named an assistant principal at East Ridge Middle School in 2010 and moving into the same role at Windy Hill Middle School in 2014. He was named principal in 2015.

“William is a kind, caring and helpful colleague, always willing to share ideas and support other principals,” a peer wrote in an anonymous nomination. “He was instrumental this year in leading the middle school team to landing on a schedule for all LCS middle schools that ensured they would meet the needs of students while keeping everyone as safe as possible. William truly sees a win for one of us as a win for all of us.”

Schichtel began his career with Lake County Schools on Sept. 20, 2007. He joined the district with 7 years previous teaching experience. He taught PE at Seminole Springs Elementary and The Villages Elementary before being named instructional dean at Leesburg Elementary in 2014 and then Assistant Principal at Clermont Elementary later that same year.

“Kevin works hard to ensure every student has an opportunity to be successful,” one anonymous nomination reads. “When we hosted summer school, Kevin visited often to check in on his kids, to give them encouragement, to redirect those not performing, and simply to say hi to the children that love him.”


Photo captions – TOP: William Roberts of Windy Hill Middle School is Lake County’s Principal of the Year.  BOTTOM: Clermont Elementary Principal Jeffrey Williams, left, celebrates with AP Kevin Schichtel, who has been named Lake County’s Assistant Principal of the Year.