Kiwanis and Key Club gather to give homage to passed veterans at Oak Hill Cemetary
Across the United States, Veterans Day is observed annually on November 11. The day proudly recognizes and honors all military veterans, who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. 
Kassie Murry honors past veterans

In observance of Veterans Day, members of the Kiwanis Club of Clermont and student volunteers gathered at Oak Hill Cemetary to begin the annual undertaking of placing flags on the graves of local veterans. Trish Gardner from the Wreaths Across America (WAA)  organization attended the memorial event. The Kiwanis Club partners with WAA every year in sponsoring wreaths for Veterans during December at Oak Hill.

Kiwanis Club of Clermont member Chuck Seaver gives flags to Kassie Murry for placement on Veteran’ gravesites

Kiwanis Club Member Chuck Seaver described the history of the flag program at the Clermont cemetery, “It started approximately 40+ years ago, when my grandfather Oakley Seaver and his sister, Nelle Seaver, began walking the cemetery and placing flags on the resting places of veterans. Alone, they created the original map used for locating veterans for the flag placements”.

As the program grew, Oakley, a longtime Clermont Kiwanian, asked the club to take the program over. Since that time, the club has placed flags on the veterans’ final resting place annually on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The flags are left in place for a period of one week.
“I took the program over in 2018 and since then we have included first responders into the program as they are such an important part of keeping our community safe”, explained Seaver. “Many of the first responders recognized were actually volunteer positions for the city’s fire department back when the entire department was made up of volunteers”.
Kiwanis Club Member Gene Thomas identifies gravesites of deceased veterans.

The members solemnly traversed the cemetery placing the flags on the identified gravesites. “We located and uncovered three veteran headstones that had been covered over with soil and grass with time”, said Seaver.

“This year a total of 440 flags were placed on the graves by the Kiwanians”, noted Seaver.  The Kiwanis members mentioned their appreciation of the great job Clermont City Employee Steve King does in keeping Oak Hill Cemetery looking great.

Chuck Seaver with Kassie Murry and Bobbi Holmes
To learn more about the Kiwanis Club of Clermont, visit