Pictured: L-R: Accepting the Award Brian Katz, Social Studies Department Chair. Linda Shepherd- Miller, Principal, and presenter Alan Hays, Lake County Supervisor of Elections

Lake Minneola High School had the greatest percentage of their eligible students register or pre-register to vote in this year’s challenge!

Lake County Supervisor Of Elections Alan Hays presented the Award to the 2020 High School Voter Registration Challenge Winner on Monday evening, January 11.

Each year the program awards a traveling trophy with the name of each winning school engraved on it, as well as providing a trophy to stay at each winning school. There is also a plaque listing the winning school of each year on display in the Supervisor of Elections office. 

Lake Minneola High School Are Winners Of The Voter Registration Challenge

“I would like to thank Superintendent Diane Kornegay for her unwavering support in this year’s challenge. Superintendent Kornegay helped us “move the mountains” to provide success for the students,” commented Supervisor Hays. “We also owe a special thank you to each of the teachers throughout the county who went out of their way to accommodate the program as it was administered virtually this year due to the virus. They too were helping their students engage in their civic duty. It is the goal of our office to encourage each eligible student to register, learn about the issues and candidates, then make an informed choice on their ballot for each election,” Hays added. 

Congratulations Lake Minneola High School. The winning school not only wins the trophy which will stay on campus but they also win bragging rights on social media and will be spotlighted in the Lake County Supervisor of Elections email newsletter. 

Lake Minneola High School