Google Books: the tool you should use every day! Free virtual Zoom class presented to you by Pastfinders of South Lake County Genealogical Society.

This presentation is presented by Lisa Louise Cooke on Thursday, February 11th at 5:30 PM. Learn the secrets of getting more than you ever imagined from the largest online collection of digitized books, Google Books. With 25 million books, many of which are digitized and fully searchable, Google Books should be the first place to which you turn as you climb your family tree. Learn how to make the most of this goldmine chock full of historical data with little known techniques from the Google Guru, Lisa Louise Cooke, author of the book, The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox, Second Edition. To be part of this exciting and free class go to PastfindersSLC.Org and click on the registration link. “Like” PastfindersofSL on Facebook.