Lion Barbara McGinnis is shown with Club President, Cliff Brown.

Submitted by Lion Nick Jones

The Clermont-Minneola Lions Club held a CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Charlie Neville who passed away this past December after a long illness. The memorial was held at the Lions shooting range on Saturday, February 6, 2021.  

Charlie, along with several original members of the Lions Club, which included the late District Governor, Robert E. Lee and Ed Whetzel were instrumental in starting this most worthwhile fundraiser many years ago.  

Charlie had served as Club President and had been given the highest awards by the Club as well as the District and Lions International.

President, Cliff Brown welcomed Lions, family, friends; as well as Lions from the Mount Dora Club, Vice District Governor Steve Van Verric of the Ocoee Club, and Clermont City Councilman Jim Purvis, a former Lion that served the Club as President.

The Club presented longtime partner, Barbra McGinnis a memorial plaque renaming the shooting range in Lion Charlie’s honor.  

The Lions Club meets on the second Thursdays of the month, at 6 pm at IHOP in Clermont. The Club operates the Charlie Neville Clermont-Minneola Shooting Range on the second, third and fourth Saturdays, 8 am-noon.  The public is welcomed.  The range is located across from the new Groveland Public Safety Complex on SR 50 in Groveland.  Contact Lion Cliff Brown 631 835-5343 for information.