Pictured student library assistant, Kierston Bradley with Garden Club Member Gwen Carter

Each month, the Clermont Garden Club displays a plant at Cooper Memorial Library for the enjoyment and appreciation of its visitors. For March, the Club is sharing the Portulacaria afra (Elephant bush plant).

The Portulacaria afra is a small-leaved plant with fleshy, glossy leaves that resembles a dwarf jade plant, found in South Africa. Elephant bush plant may get to 6-20 feet tall in the habitat where it is a favorite food of elephants. However, in the home interior, it is much likely to remain just a few feet tall. It can be a stand-alone plant or part of an intricate succulent garden. It produces small pink flowers grouped in clusters at the end of its branches. The elephant plant is easy to reproduce from cuttings, the plant is dormant in winter.  It needs indirect sunlight, overly bright sunlight can char the leaves and cause them to drop off. It needs well-drained soil that will help excess moisture evaporate.

Drop by Cooper Memorial Library to see the Portulacaria afra.


Clermont Garden Club shares a plant with Cooper Memorial Library each month to promote horticultural awareness, civic beautification, and community outreach.  For more information on becoming a member, or for Clubhouse Rental visit our website at: http:// www.ClermontGardenClub.com