City of Mascotte Park
Article and Photos by Marty Proctor

A bizarre incident has occurred in Mascotte.  Park equipment has been removed but the removal of the equipment has not been discussed at Mascotte City Council. In fact, a stunned council member alerted me of the missing equipment.

The council member asked for help in finding out why the equipment was removed, though I was asked not to quote him/her or share any personal specifics. So this reporter went to the park and found it empty! I was confused, surprised and disappointed.  I took pictures of the empty park.
Tuesday night, March 16 at 6:30 pm is the city council meeting. Presently, the agenda includes items regarding new developments of 75 and 78 homes but nothing about parks, recreation, city property, etc.
The community has been trying to revitalize City property by volunteer clean-ups at the cemetery, parks (including this one), and throughout its downtown but why was the equipment removed from the park?