St. Patrick’s Day takes place on the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland (March 17).  At the age of 16, St. Patrick was kidnapped from Roman Britain and taken to Ireland to be a slave. During his time in captivity, he turned to his Christian faith. He escaped six years later, began religious training, and later returned to Ireland as a missionary. The Irish claim he drove the snakes out of Ireland and was responsible for the popularity and significance of the Irish Shamrock (the three-leaf-clover).

Irish Pride: St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland but the celebration is nothing like the celebrations held in the States where Irish pride abounds. Over 36.5 million people claim Irish Ancestry, however, on St. Patrick’s Day, “Everyone is Irish”.

It’s a grand day! And a Great Reason to Celebrate: Wear green, sing, laugh, dance…eat corned beef and cabbage, topped off with a pint of Guinness. If you don’t have corned beef, the Irish substitute, Bacon.

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