A ceremonial Yom HaShoah service will be held by Congregation Sinai on Holocaust Remembrance Day to remember and honor all of those who perished. This memorial service will be open to the entire community.

Never Again! While the traditional international Holocaust Day of Remembrance is April 7 this year, everyone here is being asked to join together on Friday night, April 9 from 7:30 to 9 PM for a combined virtual Kabbalat Shabbat and Yom HaShoah Service. Congregation Sinai Spiritual Leader Joe Goldovitz notes, “We must all remain vigilant, so this never happens again to anyone, anywhere in the world. By lighting special 24-hour yellow candles, we will all be able to join the entire worldwide Jewish community. It is our collective obligation to honor the six million Jews and everyone who perished in the Holocaust. Please join our Yom HaShoah Holocaust Memorial Service from your computer, tablet or smartphone.” You can dial in to participate in this service by using your computer online or telephone at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/761605517.

Yom HaShoah is a time that is set aside for all Jews as well as everyone who suffered during the terrible war tragedies to remember the Holocaust. The name comes from the Hebrew word ‘Shoah’, which means ‘whirlwind‘. Yom HaShoah was established as a national holiday in Israel in 1959 by law. Each candle helps to commemorate the past lives of two victims who perished in the concentration camps. Holocaust memorial candles are available for a small donation to Congregation Sinai. Received donations will help to offset the costs to Congregation Sinai allowing their Men’s Club to make a contribution to the Yad Hashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem.

Yom HaShoah Candle Lighting Prayer: Say, “We light this yellow candle to rekindle God’s flame, to shine His light upon the world once again, to sanctify the memories of the millions of souls, to honor their prayers and all their lost goals. We bless their existence by being alive to light this yellow candle as proof we survived.”

Congregation Sinai! Congregation Sinai helps our Central Florida community celebrate weekly sabbath rituals as well as all Jewish holidays with special events and services. Their virtual service events are free and open to the community. Sinai has now started to resume safe, socially distanced regular weekly Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Services at their temple in Groveland, with limited attendance. Joe Goldovitz provides distinctively unique spiritual leadership where Congregation Sinai has been serving the Jewish Community of Central Florida for almost 20 years. This organization serves as a house of prayer, assembly and study in which the spectrum of Jewish expression is cultivated and nurtured. They provide contemporary educational programs for children and adults, bible study groups, bar/bat mitzvah study programs and tours to Israel, while sharing Jewish culture, rituals, traditions and values. Many services and annual holiday events will be open to the entire community.

Celebrate All Of The Jewish Holidays & Traditions!  Make Sinai your home to celebrate with Jewish friends, holidays and traditions! For more information about their Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat services, membership and their special events; contact: Congregation Sinai is located at 1200 West Broad Street, Groveland, FL 34736. Phone 352-243-5353. Email info@congregation-sinai.org and visit www.congregation-sinai.org. Affordable High Holiday and Annual Memberships are available. The mail address is: 4327 South Highway 27, PO Box 315, Clermont, FL 34711.