Sheri Olson, South Lake Hospital, receives a check from Beta Theta member Eleanor Lofgren

Beta Theta, a chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, has been a long-time advocate of the South Lake Hospital Foundation and its mission to improve the health and quality of life of individuals in our community.

Recently, the community service organization for over 40 years, presented a check to the hospital’s Foundation targeting it for a student scholarship in the field of nursing.  Eleanor Lofgren, a charter member of Beta Theta and long-time hospital volunteer, presented the check to Sheri Olson, Director, South Lake Hospital Foundation.

Scholarships were also given to Lake Sumter State College students Michaela Gonzalez and Aiden Hernandez to assist in their continued educational pursuits.

Beta Theta was chartered in 1979 and since has been an active service organization providing help, scholarships, and sponsorship to the south Lake community.

Pictured: Beta Theta Charter Members Michelle Delaney, Toni Bell, Eleanor Lofgren and Terry Moherek