Uplands at Hidden Water Preserve
Join Lake County Water Authority Naturalists on a hike of Hidden Waters Preserve in Eustis on Sunday, April 11th at 9 am.  Be prepared for a strenuous hike since the change in elevation on this property is approximately 105 feet.  We will showcase the unique features of this property which consist of uplands, a ravine, a creek, and a sinkhole lake.  Space is limited to 15 hikers and reservations are required. Reserve your spot ASAP by calling 352-324-6141 ext 0.
Lake County Water Authority (LCWA) acquired this 90-acre site in 1996 to protect the seepage slopes, the sinkhole, and the high aquifer recharge areas.  With this acquisition, the LCWA has been able to protect the site and its water quality, while providing outdoor passive recreation to the residents of Lake County.  The LCWA has been restoring the uplands portions of the site that were once a citrus grove and a golf course throughout its history, as well as, a dumping ground for trash.  This restoration has provided excellent habitat for gopher tortoise and other animals, much of this restoration involves Longleaf Pine and Native Florida Wildflowers.

Visit us on the web at www.lcwa.org

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it is attached to the rest of the world.”  John Muir