Jery Chen

Montverde Academy is extremely proud to announce Jiawei (Jery) Chen, an eighth-grade student, has had her drawing, “Fly Higher with Toyota,” earn a Silver Award in Age Category 3 (youth, ages 12-15 years old) of Toyota’s Dream Car USA Art Contest, and also won the inaugural Petersen Prestige Award. She is one of nine U.S. youth winners that go on to the World Competition, where her work will be judged against artwork entries by youth from nearly 90 countries.

“In addition to being a well-executed artwork with a remarkable composition, the museum selected Chen’s design because it aligns with our efforts to celebrate the past, present and future of the automobile. Her vehicles harken to automobile design of the 1950s, yet she brings them into the future, imagining a world of eco-friendly flying cars,” said Autumn Nyiri, associate curator, Petersen Automotive Museum, one of the world’s largest automotive museums.

“Creating art makes me happy,” said Jery. “I’ve been doing art since I was four-years-old. It allows me to express my ideas visually and share my happiness with others. I wanted to create a car that was innovative in a healthy environment. I made the car yellow, which is colorful, exciting and expressive – shining into the future. I love to create. I enjoying drawing and sewing, and hope to have my own clothing line or to become an animator.”

Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan held the first worldwide contest in 2004, with nearly 90 countries now hosting their own national contests. Now in its 10th year, the Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest is designed to inspire creativity in youth and imagine the future of mobility, according to the Toyota Dream Car USA website. The three-round competitive selection process of the contest allows for careful review over time to determine the winners. After assessing eligible entries and judging based on artistry, uniqueness, and execution of concept, U.S. Semi-Finalists are selected in the first round (this year, 30 each for two age categories, 40 for the remaining one). The second-round results in the selection of U.S. Finalists (this year, a total of 31). This year, the third round involves a panel of 12 national judges who choose the nine U.S. Winners.

Jery’s artwork will be displayed in the Petersen Automotive Museum. She will also have the unique opportunity to see her drawing become three-dimensional. With a unique collaboration involving undergraduate students from California State University, Dominguez Hills, 3D-printed interpretations of the contest’s award-winning designs.

“We congratulate Jery on earning the Petersen Prestige Award and are so pleased that her artwork has been selected and recognized by Toyota Motor Corporation,” said Dr. Kasey C. Kesselring, Montverde Academy Head of School. “The Arts are an important part of Montverde Academy’s curriculum that encourages students to stretch their creativity, think in imaginative ways and express themselves through artistic exploration. We congratulate Jery on her achievement.