Memorial Day, the day we remember the brave men and women who gave their lives to defend this country, is this coming Monday.  The Clermont Historical Society invites you to come to the Historic Village this weekend and tour the World War II Quonset hut located on the property.  Built on its current location in 1943 by the US Army, the Quonset serves as a museum honoring World War II.  All the items currently on display were donated and are authentic WWII memorabilia.  The Wall of Honor show above is dedicated to veterans who lived in Lake County and served in the war.  Do you have someone in your family whose name could be up there?  Contact the Village Manager, Roxanne Brown at 352-242-7734 for more information.

Clermont Historic Village

While at the Village touring the Quonset hut you can also look at the city’s original library, two homes built around the turn of the twentieth century, an early train depot, and replicas of an outhouse and a one-room-schoolhouse.  The Village is located at 490 West Avenue and will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  Admission to the Village is always free but a donation of $5.00 per person over 12 is requested.

If you are interested in the history of Clermont or in history in general, why not consider joining the Clermont Historical Society?  Membership is just $25.00 per person or $35.00 for a couple annually.  The Historical Society will resume holding its monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month in September.  The board meetings begin at 6:00 PM and are followed by a presentation at 7:00 PM.  Our next meeting will be held on September 13th in the Train Depot.  You can also see lots of pictures and information about the Village on our Facebook page.  Our new website can now be viewed at  For questions or further information please call 352-242-7734.  We hope to see you all now that the Village is completely reopened.  Stay hopeful and safe!