At the May meeting of the Clermont Woman’s Club (CWC), Carol Spaldi, Chairwoman of the CWC  Education Committee, presented scholarships and flowers to three very deserving students.  The scholarships were presented to

  • Hailey Bladek, South Lake High School. She will be attending Florida Gulf Coast University.
  • Olivia Medders, East Ridge High School. She will attend the University of South Florida.
  • Katelyn Mayer, Lake Minneola High School. She will be attending Lake Sumter State College.

Congratulations to these hard-working, deserving young women!


The Clermont Woman’s Club is a Federated Woman’s Club chartered in 1927.  It is a non-profit service organization and by fundraising throughout the year, they are able to support international, national and local charities.  They meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm at their clubhouse, 655 Broome St. and 7th St., Clermont.  For information see