To beat the summer heat, spend an hour a week chatting with other family historians on Zoom. You can exchange knowledge and discuss a scheduled genealogical topic in a friendly informal setting.

The Pastfinders Genealogy Society has chosen a topic for discussion. Although the host and co-host may have resources and insights to share, you may be able to contribute and help others learn. July starts off with a BANG on Thursday, July 1st with “Keeping the Family Connected; Printable Books & Family Newsletters”. Tuesday 13th of July, learn about Archives and “Preparing a research trip”. The third Wednesday, July 21st is about the website Irish Reaching Out.  The last Thursday of the month will focus on “Interviewing Family Members, How to Preserve Oral History” on July 29th.

Join, learn, contribute to the GenChat open forum at 11:00 am.  To request a Zoom link, contact Info@PastfindersSLC.Org, Learn more at PastfindersSLC.Org & “Like”  on PastfindersofSL on Facebook.