Clermont Toastmasters

Clermont Toastmasters was founded 9 years ago in Lake County and has been one of the top Toastmasters clubs in the area.  Every year since its inception, Clermont Toastmasters Club has excelled in growth, Smedley Awards, Beat the Clock Awards, Golden Gavels and has maintained Presidents Distinguished award for the entire 9 years.

How do they do it?  Camaraderie and inclusion.  Clermont Toastmasters strives to reach into the community and has welcomed members from 18-75 and representatives from 9 nationalities.  Diversity is its forte and all who visit are invited to join.  Clermont has a highly successful mentorship program and strives to help each and every member reach their full potential. The year 2021 will be no exception as the Clermont Toastmasters start in-person and hybrid meetings in July.

Join the Reunion Open House at its new location on Monday, July 26 at 7 pm as the group celebrate in the new home of Clermont Toastmasters at 2527 Citrus Tower Blvd, Suite 102, Clermont FL 34711.

For more information, please contact Clermont Toastmasters at 352-234-6495. Email: