Pictured: Daniel Shipley and family
Police Explorer Daniel Shipley has been chosen to receive the $3,400 Officer Conrad Buckley Legacy Scholarship.  Daniel’s parents and sister proudly looked on as Daniel was awarded his scholarship.
Pictured: Clermont Police Officer Kruse, Recipient Daniel Shipley, and last year’s recipient Maycee Lowe.
The Kiwanis Club of South Lake began this program a year ago when Officer Conrad Buckley died from the Coronavirus. In his memory, a ten-year commitment was made to fund one student each year at the Police Academy. Each candidate is from the Explorer program and selected to receive the scholarship by the Clermont Police Department.
Kiwanis of South Lake President Ann Whitlock and Daniel Shipley

Last year, Maycee Lowe was the first recipient of the scholarship and now proudly wears her uniform.