l to r -Gloria Puerto-Ebey, Patti Cervino, Kristy Becker and Sandra Webster.  Missing from the picture are Marion Alfano and Debbie Miller.  Barbara  Rajcula, Diane Rieves and Cynthia Hitzman attend as guests. 
The Clermont Woman’s Club (CWC) recently hosted a New and Prospective Member’s Tea at their club’s historic home.  The tables were beautifully decorated by the members using their own vintage china.
New members were introduced and as members shared stories, they all got to know each other a little better.  Six new members joined the CWC.
The Clermont Woman’s Club is a Federated Woman’s Club chartered in 1927.  It is a non-profit service organization and by fundraising throughout the year, they are able to support international, national and local charities.
They meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm at their clubhouse, 655 Broome St. & 7th St., Clermont.  For information see www.clermontwomansclub.org