The mission of Charity Across South Lake is “Bridging organizations, not for profits, civic, municipalities, churches & schools together to assist families in our South Lake Community during hardships and times of need”. The organization has two major community projects: The Back To School Supply Drive and the Christmas Across South Lake Toy Drive.

Currently, Charity Across South Lake is looking for volunteers to help stuff backpacks full of school supplies. Their goal is to help 1,000 children go back to school prepared.

Join community volunteers on Sunday, July 25th at Hunt Industrial Park 15430 County Road 565A, Suite A, Groveland.

There are three volunteer shifts available:
10 am – 12 pm;
12 pm – 2 pm; or
2 pm – 4 pm
Volunteers are asked to wear close-toed shoes and bring their own water bottle.
Indicate in the FB comments section of Charity Across South Lake Events if you would like to volunteer. You may choose to volunteer at more than one shift and invite family and friends to help.
Learn more about Charity Across South Lake by visiting links to past articles on the South Lake Tablet.