Join the US/IFAS Extension Lake County & Lake County Water Authority on Saturday, July 31 from 9 am to 1 pm for an informative morning of talks about Florida’s precious resource – water, followed by an exclusive hike at the Wolf Branch Sink. Wolf Branch Sink is a 154-acre preserve, famous for its seasonal waterfall and active sinkhole. The day starts at the UF/IFAS Lake County Extension Center. After learning about managing water resources and protecting our waterways, we will enjoy lunch before traveling (via your personal vehicle) to Wolf Branch Sink. It is not open to the public on a regular basis due to its environmental sensitivity, you will get a truly unusual experience. This unique guided hike will highlight interesting features.  Talks and lunch will be held at the UF/IFAS Extension Lake County Office, 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares, FL 32778.   Be sure to have hiking shoes or comfortable shoes, water, bug spray and a camera!

FEE: $20: includes lunch and a goody bag.  Pre-registration is required at:

There is a limit of 30 people.  Deadline to register: July 29, 2021


1. The Importance of the Aquifer – Maryann Krisovitch; Lake County Water Authority

2. Reducing Storm-Water Runoff – Jamie Daugherty; UF/IFAS Lake County RHA

3. Protecting the Water-Front-Yilin Zhuang; UF/IFAS Water Resources Regional Specialized

LUNCH: 11:00 am -11:45 am – Lunch is provided at the UF/IFAS Extension Office Lake County, 1951 Woodlea Rd, Tavares, FL 32778 (If you have any food allergies or special needs, please bring in your own lunch or snacks).

HIKE: Travel in your personal vehicle to Wolf Branch Sink for a 1 hour guided tour. Approximately 12:00 pm-1:00 pm.   Be sure to have hiking shoes or comfortable shoes, water, bug spray and a camera!

LOCATION:  Wolf Branch Sink Preserve is located at the dead end of Robie Avenue, east of Highway 441 and south of State Road 46

For more information contact: Jamie Daugherty at or JuWanda Rowell at