The Clermont City Center, located at 620 Montrose St., was recently closed when it was noticed that ceiling tiles and the northeast corner wall of the building had slightly shifted.

The building’s geo/structural engineering stability was evaluated and Jeff Powell of Powell Studio Architecture was called to determine if there was any structural damage to the building. Until the evaluation was completed, the building remained closed.

In the report that Powell shared with the city, he noted that after soil investigation, combined with the opinion of a professional team, including the structural and geotechnical engineering consultants, that the structural integrity of the building is maintained and is safe for human occupancy.

He recommended City Staff continue to monitor and report the interior conditions, and also as a precautionary safeguard, remove all ceiling tiles along the eastern wall until stabilization is complete.

The hydraulic compaction and soil remediation can take place while the building is occupied. The grade must be addressed to move and divert water away from the structure.

It’s business as usual once again at the Clermont City Center. For further information, visit Clermont City Center.