submitted by Donna Diginnaro, Clermont Historical Society

Thursday, August 26th was a big day for Clermont.  Through the efforts of several families who were involved in the citrus industry and Jonh Jackson, former county agent, a series of beautiful citrus signs have been erected throughout the county.  The sign features crate labels from two growers who played an important role in the history of Clermont, Lake Minnehaha and Gem of the Hills.  Each sign has a QR code that enables interested individuals to learn more about role of citrus in general & of that company in particular in local history.

If you are interested in the role citrus played in Clermont’s history and were unable to attend the dedication ceremony, the Historical Society invites you to join its September 13thmeeting.  The featured speaker will be a representative from the citrus growers.  The evening will begin at 6:00 pm with the regularly scheduled board meeting (public welcome) followed by the guest speaker at 7:00 pm.  The meeting will be held in the Train Depot at the Historic Village, 490 West Avenue, Clermont.

The Clermont Historical Society is proud to have been chosen as the location for Clermont’s Lake County Citrus Lable Tour sign.  It is the perfect addition to the buildings in the Historic Village that reflect the various aspects of Clermont’s history.  If you have not already had an opportunity to tour the Village buildings, you can do so every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  A donation of $5.00 is requested for each visitor 12 years old and up.  We hope to see you there soon!