Rabbi / Cantor Stephanie Shore

Chavurah South Lake will be forming its new Jewish prayer and social group with a kickoff organizational meeting. This will be a small new group of like-minded Jews who want to assemble for the purposes of facilitating Shabbat and Jewish holiday prayer services once a month for residents primarily from Clermont, Minneola, Groveland, Montverde and Mascotte.  Members will be asked to host occasional prayer service events and perhaps some social activities at their homes here in South Lake County. 

Organizational Meet & Greet: Anyone interested is invited to come and personally meet Rabbi Stephanie Shore on Wednesday, October 27 starting at 4 PM. Chavurah will become an affiliate of CyberSynagogue. This first introductory meeting will be held at a home within Trilogy in Groveland with refreshments. You will just need to email: ChavurahSL@GMail.com by October 20 to register in advance, so you will be granted safe access through the security gate.

Rabbi Stephanie Shore is also a Cantor for Cyber Synagogue with affiliates attending her virtual weekly services from across Florida, the USA and Canada. She previously was the Cantor of the B’nai Israel Temple in the Boca Raton, Florida area for over 27 years and the Rabbi for 3 years before she established her own congregation. Rabbi/Cantor Stephanie Shore is a second-generation Cantor. She has followed in the footsteps of her mother. The first female Cantor in Jewish history to serve a congregation on the pulpit. Rabbi Shore wanted to deepen her Jewish knowledge, so she went back to school to receive her Rabbinic Smicha from the Jewish Spiritual Leaders Institute.

CyberSynagogue: This hybrid Congregation is unique in the way that we will all meet online in addition to offering a traveling Rabbi to officiate in person or through Zoom all lifecycle events. The vision of launching CyberSynagogue as an online temple for worship became her entire focus. This is a place where people can come from all over the world and from the comfort of their home, to pray, worship, learn and also grow their Judaism and spirituality with CyberSynagogue Shabbat services.

Several years ago, Rabbi Shore left a very large synagogue in South Florida after serving there for 27 years. Because of life’s current safety and health challenges, it was crucially important that CyberSynagogue be a safe place where everyone could experience, heal and grow as a spiritual Jewish being. Rabbi Shore notes, “CyberSynagogue will continue to evolve as we grow towards our purposeful and meaningful selves. Tapping into the ancient divine rituals and holidays of our Jewish tradition, we will uncover a relevant meaning for our day-to-day lives and Shabbat services. Through music and spirituality, we will walk the heart of our journey in heart together”.

There are no membership dues, although donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, visit: www.CyberSynagogue.org.