Remember taking that DNA test? You may have learned if you should wear a Lederhosen or a Kilt? But do you know How your DNA Matches are related to you? You may have wondered how to find out more about a centimorgan. Or what to say to that cousin who’s emailing you. You may want to add a Family Tree to your DNA site. Pastfinders DNA Special Interest Group is free and open to the public.

Twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday at 1:30 pm, Carolyn Gornowicz and Arlene Bird will lead the discussion on Zoom. 

You can learn from the convenience of your home.  Upcoming classes are as follows October 27, 2021 Family Tree DNA (at DNA and Y DNA) and November 10, 2021 GEDMatch and 23 & Me. Bring your questions and join the conversation.

Ask for a Free Zoom link at  You will receive an email from your host a few days before the meeting.  Go to https://PastfindersSLC.Org to find out about other free programs.