submitted by the Philosophy Club
What in the world is going on? – some of the most prominent people in science, medicine, military, government, sports and entertainment are being censored or canceled by FB, Google, Twitter, YouTube, and the government, etc. Inflation is growing out of control. Banks are cutting commercial credit, supply lines are disrupting commerce and we are beginning to see empty store shelves, gas prices are climbing, polarization seems to be worsening. How do you see it? Can’t discuss things with friends for fear of alienation? “Only one way – my way” taking over our discourse in public?.
Where better to ask questions than the PHILOSOPHY CLUB?
Bring your own questions along with a friend and let’s enjoy a round table at Kehlor Building next to the tennis courts at the corner of 7th and W. Minneola St., 6:30 pm, on Wednesday, Oct. 27.
- What determines your take on reality? The material world is the common denominator or spiritual world?
- Can a public school teacher address a child’s question about God without advocating any particular faith? Without fear of reprisal for any answer?
- Ever notice those willing to listen to you seem so much more friendly?
- Why would merely asking questions make some angry?
- Wonder how true it is that human language is to distract and deceive, rather than listen?
- What’s the prognosis of the physical and emotional health of the USA?
- What questions have no answers?
- If you were given a single mission in life, what would it be?
TOUGH QUESTIONS (Are we even allowed to ask in public company?)
- How could be there be any corruption in medicine, or by prominent scientists in the world? Aren’t the smartest among us qualified to be the ones making the best moral judgments?
- Ever wonder why with all the advances in medicine combined with the world’s smartest research scientists, that there’s only a single unheralded treatment for C19 mentioned in the media?
- If you are vaccinated what’s there to worry about? (Maybe the next question?)
- How is it that Israel having over 80% vaccinated now has one of the highest Covid rates in the world?
- Why is there only Dr Fauci’s face at Covid press conferences? Don’t disasters always have a panel of “experts”?
- How could our government and MSM possibly be wrong about what they are telling us what to do about the pandemic?
- What’s the purpose of canceling what sex is to be noted by the doctor (per the AMA’s recommendations) on a birth certificate?
- When was the last time you ever heard of a doctor in private practice? Who wants to make the boss mad? (Boss = Medical corporation that s-he must answer to)