submitted by VFW Member Robert Farrell

Dustin Wamsley was awarded the medal of valor and received the Firefighter of the Year award for his heroic actions at a structure fire. After receiving orders from his supervisor to conduct a primary search for victims,

FireFighter Wamsley was able to remain orientated and monitored the fire conditions and communicating with his crewmembers at all times, FireFighter Wamsley found a victim during his search and with the aide of his crewmember removed the individual via a window to safety where other team members were able to perform CPR and save the individual’s life.

The fire condition changed during the primary search when the fire truck on scene experienced a problem with the pump operations and water flow.  As the fire was spreading throughout the house Firefighter Wamsley was able to continue his fire training skills flawlessly as he risked his life to save another.

“Wamsley is a true hero”, says Robert Ferrell, VFW Member