Pastfinders Genealogy DNA Virtual Special Interest Group can be a useful tool. Email Info@PastfindersSLC.Org to be added to the Zoom mailing list. Twice a month, you may join the group and interact with other people who are also interested in researching their DNA results. Sit back and enjoy Family Genetics’ adventure on second and fourth Wednesday 1:30 pm on Zoom.
January 12, 2022: Shattering Our Brick Walls using DNA, Part One
Success stories using Autosomal DNA, Y DNA or Mitochondrial DNA. Let’s encourage others by showing our successes. DNA SIG members are invited to share a brief summary of their successes using DNA. Have you found missing branches (or twigs) on your family tree that you would not have found if it were not for DNA?
January 26, 2022: Shattering Our Brick Walls using DNA, Part Two
More success stories using Autosomal DNA (Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTree DNA, 23 and ME, or Living DNA). Or maybe your successes have been using YDNA or Mitochondrial DNA? We will be sharing success stories.