(Photo by Ted Lubbert)

By Ted Luebbers

The Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 1236 based at Love’s Landing, a gated flying community, in Weirsdale, Florida donated $ 3,000 to EAA Chapter 534’s aviation youth program called Squadron 534. This was done at their January 8, 2022 meeting held in their clean, spacious community hangar at the edge of the long grass landing strip.

Not every EAA chapter is lucky enough to have the facility, tools, interest and members to run an active youth aviation program. It takes people who are committed mentors who have the time, patience, the ability and desire to learn as well as teach.

A great number of these would-be teachers are just one or two lessons ahead of their eager students. There is an old medical axiom that says “see one, do one, teach one”. This seems to have application to aviation as well.

It also helps to have members that are certified A & P aircraft mechanics in their membership who are able to make sure that any building and repair projects conform to current Federal Aviation Administration guidelines and best practices. Some people may say it takes a village to run a successful program—an aviation village that is.

Having a successful youth aviation program also needs a good outreach system to find those kids who may have a latent interest in flying or some other aspect of aviation but have no idea how to scratch that itch.

Pretty much gone are the days that kids can just hang out at airports getting to know pilots at a local airport, or washing planes for rides or dual instruction.

All those fences around airports not only keep the bad actors off airport grounds but also keep out many young people who might be inspired to become members of our future flying community either for recreation or vocation. How do we get around this problem so we can find those future pilots or aircraft mechanics which we will need in the near future?

The national Experimental Aircraft Association ( EAA ) through its local chapters provides some of the answers.  EAA Chapter 534, based at the Leesburg International Airport, through their Young Eagles first flight program for kids 8 to 17 years of age, has been giving kids free plane rides and the thrill of flight for many years.

This has become the source for finding those young people who always wanted to become a pilot or had an interest in some other aspect of aviation. This is all done by local volunteer pilots using their own aircraft at no charge as well as other members who like to build planes and can teach others to do the same.

This chapter has been lucky enough to have been donated aircraft damaged in some way that can be brought back to flying status by young people working side by side along with the experienced adult chapter members.

Other EAA Chapters which do not have a youth aviation program take part in this endeavor by helping to fund other chapters that do. This is much appreciated because funding is the lifeblood of any successful youth program. One of those chapters is EAA Chapter 1236 at Love’s Landing in Weirsdale, FL, and it is not the first time they have done so.

On this day Steve Tilford, chapter president, led a contingent of EAA Chapter 534 members up to Love’s Landing in Weirsdale, FL, the home of EAA Chapter 1236 to receive their check for $3,000, thank them and give them a Certificate of Chapter Support.

Among the Chapter officers Steve brought with him were John Weber, VP and Director of the aviation youth program, Gretchen Crecelius Scholarship Coordinator and Rose Rivera, their most recent Ray Scholarship recipient who is now just waiting for her final check ride before she becomes a licensed private pilot. Other chapter board members also attended.

The EAA Chapter 1236 meeting was led by John Carlile, chapter president, who along with their treasurer Tricia Angell made the formal gifting of funds. John mentioned that the meeting was one of the largest attended meetings for some time.

This gift from the Love’s Landing folks will help keep the Chapter 534 aviation youth program, called Squadron 534, going and they appreciate it very much,