By Michelle Delaney

On August 28, 1963, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream to more than 200,000 people. Without social media, his words of equal rights for all were heard, survived, and still remain relevant to all people of all color, faith, and orientation, 60 years later.

People across the United States came together to pay tribute to the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 17, 2022.

The day was cold by Florida standards but that didn’t curb the enthusiasm of Floridians attending MLK celebrations to hear and reflect upon Dr. King’s inspirational life lessons that left a lasting impact upon the world.


The cities of Clermont and Groveland hosted commemorative tributes and I had the opportunity to attend both city celebrations.



Christian Men in Action and the City of Clermont honored Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in a celebration commemorating his life and legacy.

The celebration began with a parade starting at the corner of DeSoto St and Bloxam Ave. and proceeded to and along East Avenue, ending at Waterfront Park.



The Craytons

Khrystyna Tremain, Groveland’s Communication Manager provided welcoming remarks. The Craytons entertained throughout the event.

Groveland Mayor Evelyn Wilson, Vice Mayor Randolph Waite, councilmembers Barbara Gaines, Mike Radzik, and Mike Smith all participated in the presentation and city officials attended in the special tribute to Dr. King’s legacy of unity.

In the city of Groveland, for those who were unable to celebrate in person, the event was live-streamed on the city’s Facebook page.