Chef Keith Keogh of Olive Isle provides a Pasta Food Demonstration

Feature Story & Photos by Larry H. Oskin

Groveland celebrated diversity with a Cultural Food Festival. This special event included food trucks, cooking demonstrations and live entertainment at Lake David Park.

Savor The Flavors! Locals and out-of-area guests spent the day learning techniques on making pasta, pizza and food seasoning while eating, visiting with friends and enjoying the music.

Food Demonstration with Chef Keogh of Olive Island

Internationally renowned Chef Keith Keogh of Olive Isle demonstrated techniques on how to prepare pasta, sausage and other farm-to-table dishes.

Food Demonstration by Chef Vincent of Chef It Up Pizza

Chef Vincent of Chefing It Up Pizza Cafe, a Groveland restaurant, featured an assortment of pizza samples.

Louisiana Cajun Food Demonstration by Pernell Seasonings

Chef Pernell and Felicia Stewart of Pernell Seasonings demonstrated how to make their  Louisiana Cajun specialties with dirty rice.

Additional food demonstrations on making corn breads, collard greens and other regional favorites were presented

NDygo Jones Band

Live entertainment was provided by numerous bands and entertainers including Soul Therapy, N’Dygo Jonez, Musical Seduction, Tabasco, Randy McNeely and N’ Fusion. Despite the cool damp and grey weather, this new first annual event was a big success.

The Cultural Food Festival is only the beginning of Groveland’s 100-year celebration. The City With Natural Charm will celebrate with a series of events throughout the year at Lake David Park.

Some of the many upcoming spring and summer events will include:

  • February 25-27 Centennial Celebration: With a festival, sock hop, live entertainment, kid’s zone, car and tractor show.
  • March 26 & 27 Centennial Celebration: Barefoot water ski competition, food trucks, fireworks, exhibitors as well as a Beer, Wine & Spirits Garden.
  • Second Friday Farmer’s Markets:
  • April 16 Easter Egg Hunt & Movie:
  • May 30 Memorial Day Celebration:
  • June 19 Juneteenth Celebration:
  • July 4th Independence Day Celebration & a Wacky July Wednesday Water Day.

    Groveland Mayor Evelyn Wilson

Groveland Mayor Evelyn Wilson welcomed guests to the event and noted, “We really are very happy to share the wonderful Tastes of Groveland with an explosion of great food and music. Our fabulous featured local chefs, delicious food trucks and vendors have created a fabulous presentation for our community! I’m so proud that our City Management Team did an awesome job!”

She proudly shares, “As Florida’s second-fastest-growing city, we are becoming a big mark on the Florida map!”

For more information, visit Groveland City Hall at 156 South Lake Avenue, Groveland, FL 34736, Phone: 352-429-2141, Visit Facebook at: and the Groveland City website at:  and

Representing the Cities of Groveland and Clermont