The Clermont Garden Club is pleased to pick the yard of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carroll at 1209 Giovanni Blvd in the Verde Ridge neighborhood (off of old Hwy 50) as the February yard of the month. The Carroll’s are from New York state and Bob is having a great time planting all the tropical plants that he could not grow in the north. He has filled the yard with dozens of bromeliads of all sizes, colors, patterns, and shapes that he can find on his trip to South Florida. Bob says he has approximately 50-60 surrounding their home. Sprinkled among the Bromeliads are White Bird of Paradise, Indian Hawthorn, Whitehall palms, Robeline palms and assorted flowering plants. The beds are “mulched” with rocks of different colors that make it appear to have creek beds woven among the soil and plants. Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing your garden with your Clermont neighbors.
Clermont Garden Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. For more information about the group visit www.ClermontGardenClub,com